Welcome to CADX Services

What Can We Do
For you?

We appreciate your taking the time to reach out to us today. Please select which services you are interested in, supply us with your contact details, and we will be happy to help you.

Note: while file attachments such as gerbers or a fabrication drawing aren't a requirement, they will greatly expedite the process.

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    Contact Information

    How may we contact you?

    First name


    Last name


    Company name





    How should we contact you?

    EmailPhoneText Message (cell)

    What services do you need?

    Please check any that apply



    PCB Layout    

    Schematic Capture

    Library Work    

    FPGA Design

    Test Fixtures    

    Manufacturing Services

    Internet of Things (IoT)    

    Engineering Consulting

    Can you give insight on you need?