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CADX Services, Inc.
(585) 624-1491

10 Year Seal

PCI Bus 32 BIT 5V 3V

PCI Connectors

Pin No. Signal Name   Pin No. Signal Name
A1 Test Logic Reset   B1 -12 VDC
A2 +12 VDC   B2 Test Clock
A3 Test Mde Select   B3 Ground
A4 Test Data Input   B4 Test Data Output
A5 +5 VDC   B5 +5 VDC
A6 Interrupt A   B6 +5 VDC
A7 Interrupt C   B7 Interrupt B
A8 +5 VDC   B8 Interrupt D
A9 Reserved   B9 PRSNT1#
A10 +V I/O *   B10 +V I/O *
A11 Reserved   B11 PRSNT2#
A12 Ground or Key *   B12 Ground or Key *
A13 Ground or Key *   B13 Ground or Key *
A14 Reserved   B14 Reserved
A15 Reset   B15 Ground
A16 +V I/O *   B16 Clock
A17 Grant PCI use   B17 Ground
A18 Ground   B18 Request
A19 Reserved   B19 +V I/O *
A20 Address/Data 30   B20 Address/Data 31
A21 +3.3 VDC   B21 Address/Data 29
A22 Address/Data 28   B22 Ground
A23 Address/Data 26   B23 Address/Data 27
A24 Ground   B24 Address/Data 25
A25 Address/Data 24   B25 +3.3VDC
A26 Initialization Device Select   B26 Command/Byte Enable 3
A27 +3.3 VDC   B27 Address/Data 23
A28 Address/Data 22   B28 GND
A29 Address/Data 20   B29 Address/Data 21
A30 Ground   B30 Address/Data 19
A31 Address/Data 18   B31 +3.3 VDC
A32 Address/Data 16   B32 Address/Data 17
A33 +3.3 VDC   B33 Command/Byte Enable 2
A34 Frame   B34 Ground
A35 Ground   B35 Initiator Ready
A36 Target Ready   B36 +3.3 VDC
A37 Ground   B37 Device Select
A38 Stop Transfer Cycle   B38 Ground
A39 +3.3 VDC   B39 Lock bus
A40 Snoop Done   B40 Parity Error
A41 Snoop Backoff   B41 +3.3 VDC
A42 Ground   B42 System Error
A43 Parity   B43 +3.3 VDC
A44 Address/Data 15   B44 Command/Byte Enable 1
A45 +3.3 VDC   B45 Address/Data 14
A46 Address/Data 13   B46 Ground
A47 Address/Data 11   B47 Address/Data 12
A48 Ground   B48 Address/Data 10
A49 Address/Data 9   B49 Ground
A50 Ground or Key *   B50 Ground or Key *
A51 Ground or Key *   B51 Ground or Key *
A52 Command/Byte Enable 0   B52 Address/Data 8
A53 +3.3 VDC   B53 Address/Data 7
A54 Address/Data 6   B54 +3.3 VDC
A55 Address/Data 4   B55 Address/Data 5
A56 Ground   B56 Address/Data 3
A57 Address/Data 2   B57 Ground
A58 Address/Data 0   B58 Address/Data 1
A59 +V I/O *   B59 +V I/O *
A60 Request 64 bit   B60 Acknowledge 64 bit
A61 +5 VDC   B61 +5 VDC
A62 +5 VDC   B62 +5 VDC
A63 Ground   B63 Reserved
A64 Command/Byte Enable 7   B64 Ground
A65 Command/Byte Enable 5   B65 Command/Byte Enable 6
A66 +V I/O *   B66 Command/Byte Enable 4
A67 Parity 64   B67 Ground
A68 Address/Data 62   B68 Address/Data 63
A69 Ground   B69 Address/Data 61
A70 Address/Data 60   B70 +V I/O *
A71 Address/Data 58   B71 Address/Data 59
A72 Ground   B72 Address/Data 57
A73 Address/Data 56   B73 Ground
A74 Address/Data 54   B74 Address/Data 55
A75 +V I/O *   B75 Address/Data 53
A76 Address/Data 52   B76 Ground
A77 Address/Data 50   B77 Address/Data 51
A78 Ground   B78 Address/Data 49
A79 Address/Data 48   B79 +V I/O *
A80 Address/Data 46   B80 Address/Data 47
A81 Ground   B81 Address/Data 45
A82 Address/Data 44   B82 Ground
A83 Address/Data 42   B83 Address/Data 43
A84 +V I/O *   B84 Address/Data 41
A85 Address/Data 40   B85 Ground
A86 Address/Data 38   B86 Address/Data 39
A87 Ground   B87 Address/Data 37
A88 Address/Data 36   B88 +V I/O *
A89 Address/Data 34   B89 Address/Data 35
A90 Ground   B90 Address/Data 33
A91 Address/Data 32   B91 Ground
A92 Reserved   B92 Reserved
A93 Ground   B93 Reserved
A94 Reserved   B94 Ground

+V I/O :
This pin is +5 Volts for 5 Volt boards, +3.3 Volts for 3.3 Volt boards or signal rails on universal boards
Pins 12 & 13 :
These are Grounds for 5 Volt boards or Open keys for 3.3 Volt boards and for universal boards
Pins 50 & 51 :
These are Open Keys for 5 Volt boards and for universal boards or Ground for 3.3 Volt boards
 This is the best BUS ever made and is found in all new systems today. The PCI BUS which stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect, will probably be the only BUS in new systems within a couple of years. It's main characteristics are; it's fast, 64 bits wide (can work at 32 bits also) and the best of all, it's microprocessor independent, this means that it can work on any system that has a 32 bit or 64 bit microprocessor (doesn't have to be x86 based). Since this new BUS was introduced most all computer component manufacturers have come out with better and faster cards, taking full advantage of it, this is especially true for video cards and network cards.
This is one new standard in the PC world where IBM did not have anything to do with (unless making a crappy interface like ISA pushed the idea of making a better one), it was completely developed by the two biggest names in the industry today, INTEL and Microsoft (of course)! This new BUS was designed to replace the ISA BUS, not complement it like the VL-BUS. This makes it's design all the more attractive, yet for now most systems do implement both ISA and PCI, we will probably start seeing systems with no backward compatibility for old ISA cards soon.

When they came up with the idea of making a new BUS, one thing that was primordial, was to make the lives of motherboard and chipset designers easier. When designing a system, engineers had to design the board around the processor, but now all systems have the same basic design and all interface on the PCI BUS. This means that the processor, support chips, on board drive controllers, etc., all interconnect together, even add-on cards like network cards and video cards are all linked on the same BUS. This eliminates the need for glue logic, name given to the chips needed to match signals from different integrated circuits. This alone helps bring down the price of motherboards, hence the price of complete systems.
PCI was designed to operate at high speeds (33 MHz and higher), since these high speeds demand better motherboard designs, the PCI specification gave guidelines on how to phisicaly layout the chips on the board. INTEL believed that all devices connected to the PCI BUS should be places as close to each other as possible. Components are placed one inch apart on the PCI Speedway (name given by INTEL), by putting components on alternating sides of the speedway, designers had the room to put components on each side two inches apart. This design also minimizes the length of the BUS and also reduces the capacitive effect that usually limits the speed of all BUS's.

By making this new standard as open as possible, INTEL made sure that it would be very easy for chip makers to interface specialized chips, this made it widely accepted. Since the original design was only for onboard chips, the first computers with PCI buses actually had EISA and VL-BUS expansion slots. But when INTEL came up with the new specifications for the Pentium processor, they developed an all new way of connecting peripherals, they specified an expansion connector and an entire expansion architecture. This new expansion connector was designed to eliminate the need for other connectors (like VL-BUS that needs an ISA BUS to work), even though it was designed to also support these older expansion slots.
Another key feature of the new PCI design is that it's processor independent, this means that the circuits and signals are not processor specific or family specific. This means, as weird as it may sound, that the PCI design is not limited to INTEL processors or even the x86 family. Some other processor companies like DEC (makers of Alpha chips) are considering using this new BUS.

Even though it's processor independent, the BUS speed is dependent of the speed of the processor. This means that for PC's the usual speeds at which the BUS will be, are in the range of 20 to 33 MHz. Another feature is to accommodate cards that can't keep up with these high speeds, they adds 3 flow control signals. These signals are used by cards to let the processor know that it's ready to receive or send data. They can even halt the current flow of data, which means that some cards can have data flows much slower than the actual BUS speed.